Document Type


Date of Award



College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (COSET)

Degree Name

MS in Biology

Committee Chairperson

Alamelu Sundaresan

Committee Member 1

Aladdin Sleem,

Committee Member 2

Shodium-Emmanuel Olufemi

Committee Member 3

Shishir Shishodia

Committee Member 4

Jason Rosenzweig

Committee Member 5

Daryl Wilkerson


Alzheimer's disease, ETAS®50, Neurodegeneration, Tau


Brain growth factors are a broad group of molecules that enable the brain to adapt to stress. In a study on Alzheimer’s mice (APP), we tested the role of an asparagus supplement, ETAS®50, to mitigate the stress caused by the Alzheimer’s condition in this mouse model. Gene expression data revealed regulation of genes related to neuronal growth and function, such as tau, which were severely stressed in the APP mice to be alleviated.