
About This Journal

Call for Manuscripts

The next Call for Papers is now available. We also accept open submissions at any time for consideration. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are reviewed by one or more referees unless they are inappropriate due to length, style, or topic. Submitted manuscripts will not be returned. The editor reserves the right to make changes in all manuscripts to improve clarity, format, and style. It is assumed that the manuscripts have not been submitted to other journals. International manuscripts are encouraged. Please visit Policies to view submission requirements and policies.

Call for Reviewers

The Earl Carl Institute for Legal & Social Policy, Inc. is seeking applications for peer reviewers. Academicians and practitioners specializing in criminal justice, education and housing are highly encouraged to apply. Candidates should be available to assume their titles immediately. Nominations for reviewers, including self-nominations, along with the area of expertise should be sent by email to the Earl Carl Institute at TheBridge@tsu.edu.

Qualifications: Candidates should have strong writing skills and a demonstrated interest and background in criminal law, housing, education or social justice, law or another relevant field. Applicants should have a minimum of 2-5 years of relevant academic experience in the field of criminal law, housing, education or social justice, law or another relevant field.

Duties: Peer reviewers are expected to review manuscripts submitted by authors, give constructive comments, and determine the manuscript’s suitability for publication and contribution to the field. Members will be identified according to their availability and expertise.

Applications should include a one-page letter of interest, curriculum vitae and list of publications. These materials should be emailed to TheBridge@tsu.edu. This position is a volunteer position.