Volume 24, Number 2 Fall 2017 / Spring 2018 Volumes 24/2, /25/1
Front Matter
Legislation Meets Tradition: Interpretations and Implications of the Volunteer Protection Act for Nonprofit Organizations as viewed through the Lens of Hermeneutics
Patricia Groble, Nicholas C. Zingale, and Joseph Mead
Similarity Attraction and Old School Values: African American Led Nonprofits and African American Youth
Susan T. Gooden, Michael L. Perkins, Lindsey L. Evans, and Yali Pang
Neighborhood Concerns and Mobilization Patterns of Homeowners and Neighborhood Associations
Daniel S. Scheller and Anaid Yerena
The Politics of School Discipline: A Quantitative Analysis of the Legalization and Use of Corporal Punishment in the United States
Kaitlin Anderson
Improving Transgender Policy for a More Equitable Workplace
Nicole M. Elias, Rana Lynn Johnson, Danny Ovando, and Julia Ramirez
Conditions for Competition: Assessing the Competitive Dynamics of US Counties
Josh Mitchell, LaShonda Stewart, John Hamman, and Steve Modlin
Back Matter