Volume 20, Number 2
Nonprofit organizations, Quality of Life and Emigration Policies
Andrew I.E. Ewoh
Perceptions of Collaboration and Service Integration as Strategic Alternatives: An Examination of Social Service Nonprofit Organizations in the Late 1990s
Jennifer A. Wade-Berg and Vanessa Robinson-Dooley
Are States with Larger than Average Black Populations Really the Worst Places to live in the USA? A Spatial Equilibrium Approach to Ranking Quality of Life
Maury Granger and Gregory N. Price
Speak No Evil: Do Zambian Religious Leaders Practice a “Conspiracy of Silence” Regarding HIV/AIDS?
Corliss Lentz and Sarmistha Majumdar
Performance Management and Citizen Induced Financial Sanctions and Incentives in Education: Is There Public Support?
Barbara A. Patrick
How and Why Emigration Matters: Examining the Emergence of New “Emigration Regimes” and its Impact on Public Administration in Kyrgyzstan
Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia and Jyldyz T. Kasymova
Volunteer Management Practices during Challenging Economic Times
Hillary Knepper, Maria J. D'Agostino, and Helisse Levine