Document Type


Date of Award



College of Education (COE)

Degree Name

Ed.D., Educational Administration

Committee Chairperson

Emmanuel Nwagwu

Committee Member 1

Mokysha Benford

Committee Member 2

Emiel Owens

Committee Member 3

Bernnell Peltier-Glaze

Committee Member 4

Ihekwoaba Onwudiwe


coaching, content instructional coach, highly qualified teacher, mentoring


Elementary school teachers in testing grades have had different responsibilities over the years. Urban schools are constantly expected to provide students with a more intense curriculum and rigorous instruction. The duties and responsibilities of a first-year teacher directly affect how novice teachers judge their performance and effectiveness. Teachers are held accountable for student achievement at increasingly higher rates. This study investigates the effect of teacher mentoring and instructional coaching on first-year elementary math teachers’ job satisfaction and student performance. It can create effective teacher mentoring by including instructional coaching to retain new teachers, help self-reported job satisfaction, and increase student achievement. Six hypotheses were formulated for this study. A causal-comparative design to measure the perception of novice teachers’ attitudes towards receiving instructional coaching with mentoring and how it relates to their job satisfaction. The Chi Square measured if there are statistically significant associations between first-year teachers who have mentoring as primary instructional support and the treatment of instructional coaching and first-year math teachers who have only mentoring as a primary source of instructional support. the groups. Based on the findings, this study concluded mentoring and mentoring with additional content support may have an impact on the different levels of student achievement, but further research needs to be conducted. In addition, grade level does not appear to impact the student achievement or job satisfaction of first-year math teachers on the standard of approaching for the state of Texas Standardized test. Furthermore, in general, educational administrators should attempt to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of first-year math teachers through evidence-based practices.



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