Document Type


Date of Award



Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs (SOPA)

Degree Name

Ph.D. in Administration of Justice

Committee Chairperson

Jasmine Drake

Committee Member 1

Ashraf Mozayani

Committee Member 2

Julian Scott

Committee Member 3

Glenn Johnson


Incarceration, Parole, Probation


This dissertation analyzes the connection between correctional rates and probation rates to find the harshness of a state’s correctional program that evaluates the successful completion of probation. The answer starts with correctional control conversion to a score assigned to each state and compared against their successful probation completion rate. The correctional control rates are the total number of persons within a state’s correctional system and from the Prison Policy Initiative. The study will employ Social Control Theory as the underlying theoretical framework in examining the harshness of correctional control rates as it relates to successful probation outcomes. The data evaluation will address whether there are statistically insignificant or significant associations between correctional control rates and the success rate of individuals completing their probation programs. The findings will have implications for statewide correctional programs since the resulting data shows whether harsher correctional approaches are associated with successful completion of probation. The stated goal of correctional programs is to rehabilitate individuals with findings that suggest whether stricter criteria for corrections are conducive to rehabilitation and supply recommendations for states regarding whether they should adjust their programs. Researcher Paternoster (1987) wondered if deterrence worked when committing a new crime or re-offending. The goal of deterrence is to prevent engaging in criminal activity when faced with pleasure over pain. What do we really consider as we engage in activities that threaten our freedom and put us at risk of entering the criminal justice system, whether it is probation, parole, or pretrial?



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