Authors' Series Finale
Robert J. Terry Library Exhibit Room
Start Date
21-8-2018 6:00 PM
This is a unique opportunity for Houston area authors to share inspiring strategies and experiences in the publishing world
Marketing Tips:
Carlos Wallace, bestselling author: Life Is Not Complicated–YOU ARE and The Other 99 T. Y. M. E. S
Keynote Speaker:
Mia K. Wright, author of newly released, Unthinkable... Do the Ordinary to experience the Extraordinary
Authors' Series Finale
Robert J. Terry Library Exhibit Room
This is a unique opportunity for Houston area authors to share inspiring strategies and experiences in the publishing world
Marketing Tips:
Carlos Wallace, bestselling author: Life Is Not Complicated–YOU ARE and The Other 99 T. Y. M. E. S
Keynote Speaker:
Mia K. Wright, author of newly released, Unthinkable... Do the Ordinary to experience the Extraordinary