The Author's Series begins its journey in March 2018. Daphine is an author and had the vision to help the community of authors and aspiring authors in the Houston area. This is a unique opportunity for Houston area authors and aspiring authors to share inspiring strategies and experiences in the publishing world! During this event we will have a panelist for open discussion to answer questions about being an author, becoming an author, tips on how to market, how to use social media, some tips on if your book can be used as a supplementary reader in schools, colleges, and universities and much more! She wanted to help the authors get their books in the Texas Southern University Robert James Terry Library and to collect the author's book for a book club on the campus of Texas Southern University. The Director of the library, Dr. Janice Peyton, assisted Daphine to bring the event to life. The event would bring in bestselling author Carlos Wallace. He saw the vision of Daphine and decided to partner with her and they began hosting it in Spring and the Fall. They scheduled for March 2020 and had to cancel because of the pandemic. The pandemic was not going to stop them in 2021. Daphine and Carlos decided to go virtual with this event.