Document Type


Date of Award



School of Communication (SOC)

Degree Name

MA in Communication

Committee Chairperson

Tyrone D. Dixon

Committee Member 1

Toniesha L. Taylor

Committee Member 2

Candy H. Ratliff

Committee Member 3

Morgan D. Kirby

Committee Member 4

Jafus K. Cavil


Brand Building, Community Engagement, Media Coverage, Recruitment Efforts, Social Media Campaigns


This study's objectives are to evaluate the impact that communication and marketing efforts have on the attendance and revenue of HBCU sporting events; identify and explain potential challenges and obstacles to effective marketing and communication initiatives; analyze the effectiveness of current communication and marketing efforts; and examine and identify strategies for improving communication and marketing efforts in HBCU sporting events. The current state of communication and marketing in HBCU athletics will be analyzed through an analysis of the existing body of literature. Best practices will be identified, and the research will investigate strategies to optimize communication and marketing efforts in the future. The research will consist of conducting interviews with key stakeholders, doing a literature review, and conducting an analysis of data relating to communication and marketing in HBCU athletics. This data will include information pertaining to historical patterns, methods now in use, and objectives for the foreseeable future. The findings of the survey will be analyzed and used to formulate recommendations for how to improve the efficiency of communication and marketing initiatives within HBCU athletics. As a result of this, the study will serve as an extremely helpful resource for HBCU administrators, coaches, and other individuals involved in the athletics sector.
