Document Type


Date of Award



College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (COSET)

Degree Name

MS in Environmental Toxicology

Committee Chairperson

Hwang Hyun-Min

Committee Member 1

Phan Tuan

Committee Member 2

Miranda Hector


• Human health • Risk assessment


The risk associated with exposure to heavy metals found in indoor dust is viewed as a serious hazard to human health, and heavy metal pollution of the environment is a major concern on a global scale. Accordingly, the current study set out to assess the heavy metals concentrations in indoor dust and the hazards they bring in adults and children. 71 indoor dust samples were collected from wooden flooring and analyzed using ICP-MS apparatus. Comparing our findings to the Environmental Protection Agency's acceptable risk criteria showed that lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), Chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) had high absorbed daily dosages in both children and adults. The median CR values for Pb indicated a significant probability of developing cancer. As a result of the non- bioaccumulation nature of trace metals in the body, the mean values of CR for the remaining elements were lower risk in both children and adults and have not exceeded the permissible limit set by USEPA, suggesting that these metals may not pose a future non- carcinogenic or carcinogenic risk to humans. We conclude that if the home's location wasn't carefully considered, heavy metal exposure could increase health risks. Following the findings, we recommend more comprehensive and adequate measures should be made to reduce the impacts and cancer risk associated with indoor floor dust ingestion in both children and adults. Adults should be informed of associated risks to safeguard their health and children health.
