Document Type


Date of Award



College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (COSET)

Degree Name

MS in Transportation Planning & Management

Committee Chairperson

Carol Abel Lewis

Committee Co-Chairperson

Lei Yu

Committee Member 1

Fengxiang George Qiao

Committee Member 2

Graham Thomas


Dubai, London, Public Transit Agency, Singapore


Transportation and mobility in a city are essential for healthy and sustainable growth. A city's mobility concerns can be focused on different elements such as the road system, public transit, shared mobility, and biking. To improve mobility in a city, it is important that all these components are integrated and coherently governed, and/or coordinated by one agency. A public transit agency is a legal entity that is usually owned by the government and integrates the urban transit services of a city under one umbrella. It operates transport services to provide mobility to the people, promote economic development, and support environmental protection and social equality. The agency can be dependent on the government or supported by the private sector for operational support in case if it has insufficient funds. In this research, the structure of several public transit agencies is investigated. The study will include a review of elements typical of public transit agencies as they provide urban transit services by exploring the cases of (TfL) in London, (RTA) in Dubai, and (LTA) in Singapore. In particular, this study is designed to answer the following questions: a) how a centralized and independent public agency is reflected in the level of urban transit services in a city; (b) how do the case study cities measure compared to success variables; and (c) why is it important to integrate transit services under one single entity? This research is also making a deep dive into the structure, financing, and performance data such as population and ridership of the agencies to demonstrate the common success factors amongst them. An assessment of mission, vision, and goals is also provided. After investigating and recognizing the most common success criteria in all three agencies, they will be used to develop and structure a template for the establishment of such an agency. Keywords: Urban Transportation, Public Transit Agency, London, Dubai, and Singapore
