
Lijie Zhou

Document Type


Date of Award



College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (COSET)

Degree Name

MS in Transportation Planning & Management

Committee Chairperson

Mehdi Azimi

Committee Member 1

Fengxiang Qiao

Committee Member 2

Yachi Wanyan

Committee Member 3

Yi Qi


ARIMA Model, Bike Infrastructure, Bike-sharing, Ridership


A bicycle-sharing system (public bicycle system, or bike-share scheme) is a service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals on a short-term basis for a price or free. To study the impacts of bike infrastructures (particularly bike lanes and bike paths) on bicycle sharing system demand, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models with exogenous factors are proposed to capture the relationships among the variables in a longitudinal analysis. The results show that every mile of bike lane added to the Houston bike share system will result in 38 average daily ridership increase in seven days of a week, 37 average daily ridership increase in weekdays (5 days of a week), and 82 average daily ridership increase on weekends. By adding every station to the public bikeshare system, the average daily ridership will increase by 16. The increase of average daily ridership will be 17 for weekdays, and 34 on weekends. It means that adding one bike station have less impact on average daily ridership of seven days of a week or five weekdays compared to the weekends. The impact of built environment on average daily ridership of weekends are almost two times more when compared to its impact on the average weekday ridership, resulting in more demand during weekends. Regarding the influence of the weather variables, temperature and wind speed had no impact on the average daily trip counts in Houston. However, precipitation displayed a significant negative impact on the average daily ridership.
