Document Type


Date of Award



College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (COSET)

Degree Name

MS in Chemistry

Committee Chairperson

Bobby L Wilson

Committee Member 1

Daryl Wilkerson

Committee Member 2

Mahmoud Saleh

Committee Member 3

Hyun-Min Hwang


Analysis, Cannabis, Digestion, Metal, Microwave, Trace


Due to the presence of CBD-(cannabidiol), bioavailable elements as well as industry versatility and relatively low levels of toxicity to the environment. CBD oils have driven the overall demand for Cannabis based plant products in the commercial and medical sector. However, dependent upon the environmental circumstances upon which these plants are grown can leave them susceptible to toxic heavy metal exposure. In fact, the natural metabolism of Cannabis plants makes them a hyperaccumulator of trace metals. This creates a severe health risk for CBD product consumers especially for more vulnerable populations with pre-existing conditions. Furthermore, the risk of heavy metal contamination in cannabis can be reduced given the recent legalization and decriminalization policies of cannabis products. Unfortunately, despite these advancements to the cannabis industry, testing has trailed behind. In this study, quantitative multi elemental analysis of various CBD oil products were conducted using Inductive Coupled Mass Spectroscopy-(ICPMS). Analyte samples of cannabis oil-based products were prepared using acid-based microwave digestion. After digestion, an SPS4 autosampler was used to load analyte sample solutions to the ICPMS instrument for analysis. The results of the analyte sample data were calibrated and presented in individual elemental graphic schemes. Literature review was done for background information on the research topic. It was found that the CBD oil products under ICPMS multi elemental analysis did meet government regulatory guidelines however, each sample analyte varied in elemental composition of each trace metal detected

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Chemistry Commons
