Applicable Theme
RM 239, JHJ School of Business, Houston
Start Date
28-10-2016 11:00 AM
End Date
28-10-2016 12:00 PM
Description of Abstract
Today's students are learning at unprecedented speeds. There are a pockets of learners who may be isolated/silent sufferers who face tremendous socioeconomic challenges while seeking higher education. Providing cloud-based technology solutions to strengthen support services and family learning engagement through a series of student family portals will provide the support needed to make student learning opportunities family-based projects or community-based projects successful in graduation completion rates and job placement opportunities.
Included in
Community-Based Learning Commons, Community Psychology Commons, E-Commerce Commons, Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Personality and Social Contexts Commons, Place and Environment Commons, Social Media Commons, Social Psychology Commons, Social Work Commons, Technology and Innovation Commons
Cloud-Based Learning Tools: Supporting the Invisible Learner (Silent Sufferers) with Socioeconomic Challenges
RM 239, JHJ School of Business, Houston