Volume 3, Issue 1 (2014) Issues on Voter Participation among African Americans and Bureaucratic Behavior
Issues on Voter Participation among African Americans and Bureaucratic Behavior
Andrew I. E. Ewoh and Maruice Mangum
The Impact of Politicized Churches and Party Contact on African American Voter Turnout
Randolph Burnside and Stephanie A. Pink-Harper
Pursuing an Answer: Bureaucratic and Legal Accountability in Local Law Enforcement Pursuit Policies
Casey LaFrance
About Face: A Perspective on Civilian Military Relations through the Lens of the Principal-Agent Theory
Randall Swain
What We Should Have Known About the Black Vote: A Comprehensive Analysis of Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections
Zulema T. Blair PhD
Underrepresented: Descriptive Representation and Political Interest of African Americans and Women in the 2008 Election
Kristine K. Coulter, Jennifer R. Garcia, and Christopher Stout