Document Type


Date of Award



College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (COSET)

Degree Name

MS in Biology

First Advisor

Olufisayo Jejelowo,


Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes has the potential to cause harm to cells, along with other possible effects to organisms. S. cerevisiae are biological homologs of higher eukaryotes, such as humans, and are found almost everywhere in the environment. S. cerevisiae is a yeast species that biological homologs that can be studied as a model to be understand higher organisms. There, isn't substantial amount data on the effects of Industrial Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on S. cerevisiae. Analyzing the effects of Industrial Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on S. cerevisiae cells is valuable for understanding it possible health and genetic effects to humans. W303 S. cerevisiae wild type were inoculated into 50m! YPD media containing 3mg of functionalized MWCNTs and non-functionalized MWCNTs; whereby it was grown for a period of 36 hours. The growth and morphology of W303 cells analyzed after exposure to functionalized MWCNTs and non-functionalized MWCNTs. It was observed that the media containing the follow functional groups, carboxyl (COOR), and a hydroxyl group (OR) grew at a quicker than W303 cells grown in media containing non-functionalized MWCNTs, and entered stationary-phase earlier. It was observed that W303 cells, grown in media that 1 2 contained non-functionalized entered stationary-phase of growth quicker, than W303 cells grown in media lacking MWCNTs. In the morphological analysis of W303 cells, it was the functionalized MWCNTs that had the greatest effect on cell morphology, such as size and diameter. Non-functionalized MWCNTs had limited to no effect on W303 cell morphology. .
