Document Type


Date of Award

Spring 5-17-2014


College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (COSET)

Degree Name

MS in Transportation Planning & Management

First Advisor

Professor Carol Abel Lewis


Public Involvement, there are many concepts of what it means. Some of the core models of public involvement are based on the belief that those who are affected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision-making process in a meaningful way. Public involvement is the process by which an organization consults with interested or affected individuals, organizations, and government entities before making a decision. Public involvement, as it relates to the transportation field is a law, political principal or practice recognizing the right to the public involvement process. The terms public involvement, public participation, or public engagement are often used interchangeably. In recent times, there has been a trend toward tailoring public involvement to increase public participation in transportation planning. This thesis explores different aspects of public involvement and significant ways to engage people in projects that may affect their community. There are many different public involvement techniques, although they share common features. The techniques of public involvement are viewed as tools to 1 2 inform and educate the public about the planning process. The research explores the impact that public participation can have when tailored to fit a communities' need. Information is presented about vital aspects of public involvement methods and trends to actively engage and meet the needs of any given community early on in projects. Public involvement performance measures, demographic shifts and new technologies are addressed as a means to bring about transportation decisions leading to a better tomorrow.
