Document Type


Date of Award



College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (COSET)

Degree Name

MS in Transportation Planning & Management

First Advisor

Professor Lei Yu


The increase of urbanization results in more traffic demands and congestion. Because of both physical and economic constraints, building more roads may not always be possible. Using computerized tools can help traffic engineers improve the operations of traffic controls to meet the increasing need in capacity and efficiency of transportation systems. Many transportation programs have been developed including signal optimization and traffic simulation models. Among the many existing models, TRANSYT- 7F and CORSlM are found to be relatively better optimization and simulation models based on existing studies. However, there has been no attempt to combine the features of TRANSYT-7F and CORSlM in signal timing design. In this context, this thesis is designed to achieve three objectives. The first objective is to evaluate and compare the basic features of performance measures of delay and stops for signalized intersections. The second objective is to examine and analyze the sensitivity of two models in light of input parameters. The third objective is to combine features of two models in a real-world network application scenario in order to achieve better signal timing plans. The results from the analysis show that the proposed procedure in the thesis can effectively combine the strengths of both TRANSYT- 7F and CORSIM models in signal timing design
