Document Type


Date of Award

Winter 5-18-2003


College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences (COLABS)

Degree Name

Doctor of Education

First Advisor

Professor E. Bun Lee,


Over the years, the black church has changed tremendously. As a result, pastors have been able to utilize the television, radio, Internet, digital streaming, and web cameras to advertise their church to outside audiences. These forms of new communications technology allow congregations to publicize their ministries and reach a wide audience of Christian believers. This study examined how black congregations and black pastors utilized new communications technology. It also determined if there was a significant difference among different denominations and their use ofnew communications technology. But most importantly, this research study found how new communications technology effects church membership and attendance for those studied. This study surveyed 150 members from predominately black churches in Houston. The members represented several different denominations including Baptist, Catholic, Church of God and Christ, Methodist, and Pentecostal. Thirty pastors were also surveyed and from those, four are included throughout this study. The study found that churches have started to use new communications technology, but they are still behind with new communications technology. This may be due to the church's operatingbudget or lack of knowledge about new communication 1 2 advancements. Many of the churches do not have television broadcasts, but they do have websites. Ninety percent of the respondents who participated in this survey said that if their church had a television ministry, they would still attend services on Sunday. This showed that new communications technology increases church attendance. In order to get more extensive results for congregations, future research studies should survey between 50-100 pastors and 300 members.
