Documents from 1988
Yvette Hunter, Yvette Hunter, Mickey Leland, Frank E. Ward Jr, Eric S. Parker, and Phillip R. Mayo
Documents from 1987
Homeless: Stewart B. McKinney Act
H.R. 5210, Drug Abuse, United States General Accounting Office
H.R. 179, Homelessness, Education
Documents from 1973
Delay Tactics Charged on Health Plans, OEO
The Consumers Win Some, George Kuempel
Medical Group Accused of Killing Health Proposal
Letter from D. Roy Harrison, D. Roy Harrison
TMA Lobby Killed His Bill, Leland Says
Single-Member District Bill Gets 1st House OK
Freeway impact plan OKd for debate
Drug Pricing proposal withdrawn in House
Houston Chronicle Pg 10, Sec 1Photo of Mickey Leleand +1
Citizens For Good School Letter, Robbie (Jesse) D. Hayes
Cut in Pot Penalties Backed by Harris Solons