The paper examines the link between Non-state armed Islamist groups’ terrorism and global domestic insurgency, using Nigeria as a case study. It adopts a combination of deprivation – frustration – aggression theory, social learning and social identity theories as its framework of analysis. The primary focus of inquiry is on secondary data, purposively sampled from books, journals articles, and reports of periodicals, internet and existing statistics. Qualitative research and secondary data analysis method were adopted. Using discourse, descriptive and explanatory techniques, the paper attempts to establish the relationship between Non-state armed Islamist groups’ support and Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. Findings from the study show that Boko Haram’s insurgency is connected with the Non-state armed Islamist groups’ support, cooperation and collaboration. Moreover, Boko Haram insurgency is also a direct consequence of cumulative deprivation and frustration caused by inequality, economic deprivation, poverty, unemployment, corruption and bad governance in Nigeria. The paper concludes by suggesting that transitional joint military taskforce should be established with neighboring countries, while the issues of governance, socio-cultural and economic factors that cause poverty, inequality and deprivation should be addressed through good governance.
Recommended Citation
Eneanya, Augustine N.
"Terrorism and Global Domestic Insurgency Nexus: A Case of Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria,"
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy: Vol. 21:
1, Article 6.
Available at:
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