The Journal of Public Management and Social Policy is currently published by Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration (Rutgers SPAA) and hosted by the Barbara Jordan Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University.
The Journal volumes and issues prior to Volume 20, Issue 1 are accessible via the Journal's webpage located at https://www.jpmsp.com/
Current Issue: Volume 30, Number 1 Spring/Fall 2023 Issue 1 & 2
Front Matter
JPMSP Cover Page
Andrew Ewoh
JPMSP Introductory Pages
Andrew Ewoh
Editor's Introduction
Gentrification and Nonprofit Activities for Neighborhood Development in Baltimore, Maryland and Houston, Texas
Jesseca E. Lightbourne, Aminata Sillah, and Julius A. Nukpezah
Systemic Racism and COVID-19: Vulnerabilities with the U.S. Social Safety Net for Immigrants and People of Color
Adam M. Butz and Jason E. Kehrberg
Policy Entrepreneurs and the Advocacy for Vaccination During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Julius A. Nukpezah and Latara M. Arterberry
The Myth of Expertise in Academia: A Collaborative Autoethnography
Staci M. Zavattaro, Sean E. McCandless, Pamela S. Medina, Claire C. Knox, and Esteban Leonardo Santis