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Contraflow Left-Turn Lanes (CLLs) have the potential of being a solution for mitigating congestions at signalized intersections where split phasing is recommended or required. However, the current signal timing strategy for the intersections with CLLs cannot be directly applied at the signalized intersections with split phasing (SIWSP). To address this problem, this study proposed an innovative signal timing strategy, which is referred to as Counterclockwise Split Phasing (CSP) signal timing, for implementing the CLLs at the SIWSPs. A traffic simulation-based case study was conducted and the results indicate that, by using the proposed CSP signal timing plan, CLLs can be implemented at the SIWSP and can significantly reduce the traffic congestions caused by the high left-turn demand at this type of intersection. In addition, since the proposed CSP signal timing design procedure has fully considered the clearance time requirements for the left-turn vehicles on the CLLs, the risk associated with the use of CLLs can be controlled which makes it safe to use this innovative intersection design at SIWSPs.
