Document Type


Date of Award



College of Education (COE)

Degree Name

Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction

Committee Chairperson

Ingrid Haynes

Committee Member 1

Delilah Gonzales

Committee Member 2

Holim Song

Committee Member 3

Reginald Todd

Committee Member 4

Kenyatta Cavil


Accentedness, Cognitive load, Cultural awareness, International teaching assistant, Microaggression, Stereotype


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of gender, teaching styles, student cultural awareness, professor’s accent, and ethnicity on students’ perceptions of foreign professors at a Historically Black College and University. Multiple regression was used for the analysis of this study. The predictor variables were analyzed through a pilot study to ensure that they were related to the dependent or criterion variable, as required of multiple regression models. Two hundred students participated in this study, during the Fall semester of 2021. All the subjects completed a questionnaire on students’ perceptions of foreign professors. The results revealed that gender, teaching styles, cultural awareness, and student ethnicity had a statistically significant effect on students’ perceptions of foreign professors. Teacher accent was not statistically significant on students’ perceptions of foreign professors. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that students should learn and familiarize with foreign culture. Accepting cultural differences and embracing them can enhance student-teacher relationships with foreign professors.



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