Document Type


Date of Award



College of Education (COE)

Degree Name

Ed.D., Counselor Education

Committee Chairperson

Candy H. Ratliff

Committee Member 1

Jessica Davis

Committee Member 2

Ronnie Davis

Committee Member 3

Carol Hightower Parker


counseling, counselor's use of time, discipline outcomes, mental health, SB 179, student-counselor ratios


Counselors interact with every student on their campus and impact student outcomes. The researcher examined the predictable relationship between counselors’ demographic factors, job-related and professional-related factors (Texas Counseling Association, 2018), and student discipline outcomes (Texas Education Agency, 2021). The researcher used secondary data in the form of discipline frequencies, counselor gender and race of counselors, the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accreditation status of the counselor’s master’s program, counseling licensure, counselor ratios, and the time counselors spend providing services within the Comprehensive School Counseling Program. This correlational research design allowed the researcher to examine the relationship between variables (Gay et al., 2012), using correlational statistics. The predictable relationship between the time counselors spent working in the service delivery domains of Comprehensive School Counseling Programs and Discipline Outcomes was examined (TEA, 2021). The researcher used multiple regression to analyze secondary data. The investigator used counselor demographics, School Counselor Use of Time Analysis (SCUTA) Reports, and Discipline Reports. The amount of time counselors spent working in the service delivery domains was acquired from the target ISD. SCUTA, an evidence-based school counseling program, identified the amount of time, work, and activities of counselors. Senate Bill 179, was passed by Governor Abbot in alignment with The American School Counselor Association (ASCA, 2019) National Model, required school counselors to spend a minimum of 80% of their work time on duties within the components of a comprehensive school counseling program (TCA, 2018).



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