Document Type


Date of Award



Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs (SOPA)

Degree Name

Ph.D. in Administration of Justice

Committee Chairperson

David Baker

Committee Co-Chairperson

Jasmine Drake

Committee Member 1

Howard Henderson

Committee Member 2

Glenn Johnson

Committee Member 3

Jason Williams


family, gender, incarceration, parenting, prisoner reentry, race


The purpose of this study is to grasp and become better informed about the experiences of formerly incarcerated mothers and fathers transitioning from correctional facilities (i.e., local jails, state & federal prisons) back into family life. Lacking in criminological literature on prisoner reentry is the intersection of parenthood and post-incarceration reintegration. Since available research often focuses on maternal and paternal reentry separately, this study encapsulates both to provide an in-depth analysis of experiences across race and gender. To gauge perspectives and experiences in-depth, this study is grounded in qualitative/triangulated methodologies. The data and findings from this study aim to assist institutional and community-based prisoner reentry programs and services in their efforts to improve the transitional process from incarceration to communities of formerly incarcerated parents. Study findings may also be applicable to the administration of justice by providing empirically sound policy implications for correctional officials and agencies that are both gender and culturally responsive.



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