Document Type


Date of Award



College of Education (COE)

Degree Name

Ed.D., Educational Administration

Committee Chairperson

Bernnell Peltier-Glaze

Committee Member 1

Lillian Poats

Committee Member 2

Ronnie Davis

Committee Member 3

Dominic Thomas

Committee Member 4

Reginald Todd


Academic Success, College Students, Graduation, Mentorship, Persistence, Retention


The purpose of this study was to examine the predictability of types of mentoring relationships on the perceived academic success, retention status, graduation status, and progression status of undergraduate students in the United States. Specifically, this study focused on the predictable relationship between types of mentoring relationships such as peer mentorship, faculty mentorship, e-mentorship, and group mentorship on the perceived academic success, retention status, graduation status, and persistence status of undergraduate students. For this study I utilized a correlational design. A survey was used to collect quantitative data from undergraduate students. A purposive sample of the population was necessary for this study. The sample consisted of undergraduate students who are enrolled at two universities located in two regions of the United States (Southcentral and Midwestern). The data analysis employed in this study was simultaneous multiple regression. The simultaneous multiple regression statistical design determined the relationship or association of the variables. The identified population was assessed on their perceived academic success, retention and graduation status, and persistence. The standardized regression coefficients of the multiple regression measured how well the given variable can be predicted using a linear function of a set of the other variables to establish the relationship between the variables.



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