Document Type


Date of Award



College of Education (COE)

Degree Name

Ed.D., Educational Administration

Committee Chairperson

Danita M. Bailey Samples

Committee Member 1

Ronnie Davis

Committee Member 2

Ronald Samples

Committee Member 3

Thomas Dominic


Academic Rank, Administrative Reward, Professional Development, Quality Teaching, Research Orientation, Time Allotted


The purpose of this study was to determine if there exist any predictive relationships between faculty demographic, academic, and occupational factors, and faculty participation in professional development programs. Despite the established benefits of faculty participating in professional development programs and its corresponding impact on student learning and graduation rates, a critical issue for professional development centers has been how to attract and motivate faculty to participate in these programs (James Jacob et. al., 2019). A correlational research procedure was used as the structural framework for conducting this study, and the population of interest were higher education faculty from two private research-intensive higher education institutions found in North America and West Africa. A voluntary response sample of 177 faculty was reached via the respective institutional email system of both institutions. The data was collected using a survey instrument managed by survey monkey. Data analysis was carried out on SPSS using binary logistic regression analysis at a .05 significance level. The demographic, academic, and occupational factors were all found to be statistically reliable in predicting those faculty who were more likely to participate in professional development programs and those who were less likely to participate in professional development programs. Faculty voiced their opinion on the rewards they would like to see associated with participation in professional development programs in an open-ended question and the results were summarized and presented. These findings formed the foundation of the recommendations made to administrators and to faculty with the hope that this could encourage institution wide practices that can work together to motivate higher participation rates in professional development programs among faculty members.



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