Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 11-28-2023


The Spring 2023 Tigers Care Vaccination Status and Views/Opinion Survey sought to capture perspectives on COVID-19 vaccination within the Texas Southern University community during spring festivities, engaging 126 respondents. Findings revealed that 86.29% were fully vaccinated, predominantly with the Pfizer vaccine. Among respondents, 78% had received a booster, and 42% expressed willingness to get a new booster in 2023.

Hesitancy was reported by 40% of participants, driven by concerns about long-term effects and vaccine safety. Factors like medical consultations and research helped change minds among hesitant individuals. A small segment (9.68%) remained unvaccinated, largely citing personal choice or distrust in vaccine safety.

Primary sources of vaccine information included online research, personal medical advice, and government communications. The survey highlighted the complex landscape of vaccine acceptance, reflecting ongoing concerns and the influence of accurate information in shaping vaccination decisions.
