African Social Science Review is a publication previously sponsored by theCollege of Humanities and Social Sciences at Kennesaw State University and now sponsored by Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University.
For more information, see our Aims and Scope page.
Current Issue: Volume 12, Number 1 (2023)
Front Matter
Andrew I. Ewoh
Industrial Establishments: Workplace Satisfaction, Women’s Participation in Politics and Agricultural Land Use
Andrew I. E. Ewoh
Industrial Establishments and their Impacts on the Surrounding Communities: The Case of Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia
Padmanaban Murugan and Moges Gebre
Self-Driven Personality and Work Satisfaction: A New Perspective Exploring The Health Sector in Uganda
Charles Kawalya, Francis Kasekende, John Kigozi Munene, Joseph Mpeera Ntayi, James Kagaari, and Sam Mafabi
Crop Farmers and Pastoralists’ Socio-Economic Characteristics Influencing Agricultural Land Use Conflicts in Abia State, Nigeria
J. U. Chikaire, F. N. Nnadi, A. O. Ani, and M. A. Ukpongson