

The bizarre upsurge of yahoo-yahoo in this 21st century in Nigeria is alarming and calls for academic attention, as such more than 40% undergraduates and up to 60% graduates without dependable job ware recruited into kleptomania and fraudster industry. The most abnormal phase of it is the initiation of secondary school students of between 15-22 years into this criminal guile. This study discovered that, both male and female, preschooler and graduate, adolescent and aged, educated and even uneducated people have inducted to the game as far as they can browse internet through phone or Laptop. The objectives of this study are to make Islāmic point of view with Qur’ānic justification towards fraud and theft that predominant in Nigeria as known to the people especially the mislead youth and also to encourage federal government to take quick step in finding solution to the problem of unemployment in Nigeria. In order to achieve this aim, thematic and analytical method employed. This paper finds that 419 and larceny of the olden days has reshuffled their name as yahoo-yahoo in the form of a game for educated elite played through the aid of internet accessibility. The paper concluded on the fact that two major reasons bring about the issue of yahoo-yahoo includes; the irate belief that colonial master had brutally enslaved their great grandfather in return they wanted to collect their entitlement, while others have erroneous confidence that they wanted to retrieve the money which European people borrow from their great grandfather.
