
Aims & Scope

The African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies (AJCJS) is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal featuring top-tier contributions on criminology and justice issues within Africa and its Diaspora. Through rigorous peer-review processes and scholarly engagement, it aims to contribute to evidence-based research and policymaking, promote social justice, advance equity, and tackle pressing challenges confronting African and diasporic societies.

Our journal's scope encompasses diverse thematic areas, including but not limited to crime prevention, law enforcement, corrections, victimology, human rights, social justice, equity, environmental justice, restorative justice, and methodological and theoretical issues within the discipline. We actively encourage interdisciplinary research, both qualitative and quantitative, that explores the intersections of criminology with disciplines such as sociology, psychology, law, public policy, compliance, economics, statistics, and international relations.

AJCJS is a dynamic forum for researchers, academics, policymakers, practitioners, and activists to explore various topics related to criminology, criminal justice, security, and social justice within African contexts and issues about Africa globally. We are committed to fostering robust dialogue and generating impactful scholarship to address complex societal issues effectively.