Document Type


Date of Award



School of Communication (SOC)

Degree Name

MA in Communication

Committee Chairperson

Maurice Odine

Committee Co-Chairperson

Toniesha Taylor

Committee Member 1

Zantel Nichols

Committee Member 2

Lacey Reynolds


• communication strategies • new hires • organizational socialization • social media


Texas Southern University, 2021 Professor Maurice Odine, Advisor ABSTRACT

Organizational Socialization is the process of inculcating corporate core values and culture in new hires (Jablin,1982). Notably, and contingent upon an organization's vision and aims, integration communication strategies can either be conventional or unconventional, structured, or unstructured. New hires get familiarized, incorporated, and adapted into an organization via a set of corporate procedures. To ease and ensure quick realignment, institutions craft guidelines, tools, structures, and offer mentorships. The processes and assigned support are made promptly accessible to new hires through the transition from pre-entry to entry and post-entry. The transition period is typically from the first six weeks to twelve months of commencement, while the anticipatory phase primarily precedes resumption at institutions. The focus is to develop expectations about the institution; the encounter phase is the initial six weeks of resumption, and it is intended to make sense of unforeseen situations. The metamorphosis phase is completing the encounter phase by the first year. Above all, the core phase is transitioning from new hires to functional members (Yarbrough and Brown, 2003). This research proposal explores and identifies the role of social media in socializing new hires within an institution.

Key Words: New hires, organizational socialization, social media, communication strategies
