"Race and Justice Outcomes" by Jason M. Williams
Ralph Bunche Journal of Public Affairs

Publication Date

Spring 2017


While scores of literature may hint at the tumultuous relationship between the criminal justice system and Blacks, such literature, however, fail to assess, comprehensively, the intersectional purpose of present criminal justice processes and race. This paper will examine contemporary applications of justice along racial lines. It is argued that current justice outcomes are advantageous to the status quo. It is no secret that the American system of justice has a race problem; however, if the goal is to administer justice then, as this paper argues, the current system needs to be seriously examined and rebuilt. The paper also argues that the criminal justice system is purposely selective, undemocratic, and contributes to the creation of criminal casting at the behest of white supremacy. A brief analysis of the Department of Justice’s report on Ferguson is used to articulate the arguments. Implications for future research are considered.



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